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Oedipus at Colonus

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 401

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Scene 2-Choral Song 4Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Scene 2 Summary

The Chorus announces Theseus’s approach. Theseus asks Oedipus what he hopes “to gain” (Line 557) from him and Athens, declaring that he will not abandon him. Both were raised far from home, and he does not withhold help from those in need. Praising Theseus’s noble nature, Oedipus says that he brings his “battered body as a gift” (Line 576). Theseus asks what profit his body offers, and Oedipus replies that it will be revealed when he dies if Theseus buries him.

When Theseus calls the request small, Oedipus replies that Theseus will have to fight Oedipus’s sons. They banished him but now want him back because an oracle has threatened that Thebes and Athens will one day be enemies. At that time, Oedipus predicts, Thebes will “be badly bloodied” (Line 605) in Athens. Theseus asks why the two cities will become enemies. Oedipus replies that only the gods are free from death and decay; the honor and good will that make cities allies are impermanent. Oedipus concludes his response by reiterating that he will be useful to Athens. The Chorus confirms that Oedipus has promised this from the start.

Theseus pledges not to spurn Oedipus’s kindness and offers him a place in Athens as a citizen if that is what he desires. Oedipus announces his desire to stay where he is and defeat those who banished him. Theseus promises not to let him down. Oedipus is apprehensive about the danger, but Theseus affirms that no one will seize Oedipus against his will. If Apollo has sent him, Theseus concludes, then Oedipus should feel safe.

Choral Song 2 Summary

The Chorus sings a song in praise of Colonus and Athens. They sing of its fine farms, melodious nightingales, and fruitful vines blessed by Dionysus. They describe the balance of rain and sun and the tirelessly flowing springs that water the plain. They conclude with stanzas devoted to Athens’s olive tree, guarded by Athena and Zeus, and its horses and oars, a blessing from Poseidon.

Scene 3 Summary

Antigone sees Creon approaching, and Oedipus calls out to the Chorus to “deliver [his] salvation” (Line 725). The Chorus leader instructs him to have courage, affirming his safety and the strength of the Chorus leader’s native land. Creon enters, telling Oedipus and the Chorus to have no fear; he does not threaten force, and Athens is “as powerful as any found in Greece” (Line 734). He announces that Thebes’s citizens have sent him to bring Oedipus home to his native land. He claims to feel Oedipus and Antigone’s suffering. In the name of their gods, he urges Oedipus to leave Athens, however worthy the city is, for he owes more respect to his own “ancient nurse” (Line 760).

Oedipus accuses him of making a fine speech that lacks truth. When Oedipus wanted to be banished, Creon refused him, and when Oedipus wanted to remain in Thebes, Creon cast him out. Explaining Creon’s ruse to the Chorus, Oedipus declares that Creon does not want to bring Oedipus into Thebes but to its border, as he believes that the presence of Oedipus’s body at the border will protect the city from destruction. He states that Creon will fail, however, for his “vengeful spirit” will always remain (Line 788). The only land he will give his sons is for their graves. Concluding that his teachers, Zeus and Apollo, exceed Creon’s, he accuses Creon of lying and orders him to leave.

Creon and Oedipus exchange insults, Oedipus accusing Creon of clever but dishonest speech and Creon admonishing Oedipus for having yet to learn wisdom. Oedipus repeats his order that Creon depart. Creon reveals that he has captured Ismene and will seize Antigone next, prompting Oedipus to turn to the Chorus, entreating them for help. The Chorus tells Creon his actions “past and present” (Line 826) are wrong and repeats Oedipus’s order that he leave.

Creon orders his soldiers to seize Antigone. She calls out for help, and the Chorus admonishes Creon, but he insists that she “belongs to [him]” (Line 830). He and the soldiers pull Antigone toward Thebes. The Chorus does not interfere, but the Chorus leader stands in Creon’s way.

Choral Song 3 Summary

In the strophe, the Chorus and Creon sing in conflict. The Chorus demands Antigone be set free, but Creon orders them to step aside. He threatens them with becoming enemies of Thebes, prompting Oedipus to recall his prediction earlier. When the Chorus again orders Creon to release Antigone, he replies that “The weak don’t make the law” (Line 838). The Chorus calls the local men to unite against foreign power.

Antigone calls for help, telling Oedipus that she is being taken away by force. He asks for her hands, but she does not have the strength to reach out to him. Creon urges on his attendants, and Oedipus cries that he is lost. Creon’s attendants carry off Antigone. The Chorus leader holds Creon, who demands to be released. When the Choral leader refuses, Creon responds that he intends to seize Oedipus and cannot be stopped unless Theseus intervenes. Oedipus curses him, and Creon attempts to drag him off, without success.

Oedipus sings for help, and the Chorus and Creon sing back and forth in opposition, the Chorus declaring its outrage and Creon insisting that they must endure it. The Chorus calls for help from Theseus and his forces.

Scene 4 Summary

Theseus arrives with guards demanding to know why his sacrifice to Poseidon has been interrupted. Oedipus tells him that Creon has seized Ismene and Antigone. Theseus orders a servant to send the army to recover Oedipus’s daughters. He then addresses Creon, upbraiding him for invading a just city with his forces, taking the women, and attempting to seize a suppliant. Theseus asserts that he would not do likewise because he knows “how a stranger ought to act abroad” (Line 928). He demands the return of the girls. The Chorus echoes Theseus’s disdain.

Creon replies that he assumed Theseus would not support a patricide accompanied by children born of incest. Further, he would not have seized Oedipus if he had not cursed Creon. He acknowledges that he cannot resist Theseus, as he is alone and vulnerable, but he will try to pay him back in the future.

Oedipus reiterates that what happened to him happened by the will of the gods. Before Oedipus existed, an oracle had told his father that he would die at the hands of one of his children. His act was involuntary and thus “free of blame” (Line 977). He cannot be called evil because he married his mother, as he did not choose to do so. He asks Creon whether he too would defend himself if attacked by deadly force, then answers the question himself, asserting that Creon would defend himself. He accuses Creon of flattering Athens but having forgotten how “to honor gods” (Line 1007) since he has attempted to seize a suppliant and his daughters. Oedipus concludes by praying to the goddesses to defend him.

The Chorus affirms Oedipus’s right to protection. Theseus orders Creon to lead him to the women. Creon threatens him with future action, but Theseus is not deterred. He instructs Oedipus to wait for him here, asserting that he will not rest until his daughters are restored to him. Oedipus utters a blessing to Theseus as he leaves with Creon.

Choral Song 4 Summary

The Chorus sings about the path the enemy has taken, asserting that Theseus will display his military might. Creon will falter, and the sisters will be returned safely. Theseus’s men, who pray to Athena and Poseidon, will fight for them. They prophesy that Zeus will show his strength in a noble victory. They conclude their song by praying to Zeus, Athena, Apollo, and Artemis to protect their land and people.

Scene 2-Choral Song 4 Analysis

Theseus and Oedipus’s first conversation in Scene 2 establishes The Hero as a Source of Collective Immortality. When he arrives, Theseus asks Oedipus what he needs, a question that would naturally be put to a suppliant, and Oedipus’s reply cryptically alludes to his future status as an immortal power. This is apparent in his initial response, for rather than expressing a want explicitly, Oedipus offers a gift: his own “battered body” (Line 576). An ancient Athenian audience would understand the significance of a hero’s battered body, for the allusion harkens back to the violent deaths of heroes in Homer’s Iliad and to the myth of Heracles, whose immortalization was said to have occurred at the moment of his death on a funeral pyre. They would also presumably know about the cult established in Oedipus’s honor in the very region in which the play is set. As much as the play is about Oedipus’s life and death, it is also about how he came to be a part of the immortal story of Athens itself.

But in Sophocles’s play, the heroes are alive in the world of myth, and Oedipus needs to reveal to Theseus what he has to gain by protecting Oedipus. This gain is not only the good reputation of Athens for fulfilling its sacred duty to protect suppliants but also the future protection of the city by an eternal power, the immortalized hero.

When Theseus asks for clarification about the nature of the gift Oedipus offers, he says that it will only be revealed fully after his death, again a reference whose significance the ancients would have understood. The value of heroes is that as long as each successive generation performs the rituals to honor them, they will continue to benefit them. Inside the narrative of the play, however, the cult does not yet exist, and Theseus struggles to understand what is being asked of him.

As their conversation continues, it becomes clear that though Thebes initially banished Oedipus, he is now choosing to stay away. His sons want to bring him back, so to keep his word to Oedipus, Theseus will have to fight for possession of his body. Since Oedipus has presented himself as a suppliant, Theseus is understandably confused, telling Oedipus that if his sons want him to return, he should do so. Evidently, Theseus has not yet grasped what is at stake, possession of a hero’s remains and thus his eternal power. This exchange illustrates The Significance of Place and Sanctuary. Even as he asks Theseus—and thus Athens—to provide him with sanctuary from his enemies, he promises to become a source of sanctuary for Athens itself in the future.

Theseus’s confusion invites more cryptic replies from Oedipus. In response to the suggestion that Oedipus return to Thebes, Oedipus laments the “dreadful wrongs” (Line 595) he has suffered. Seemingly aware of the curse on Laius, Theseus asks Oedipus whether these wrongs concern his “family’s ancient accidents” (Line 597), but Oedipus only repeats his familiar refrain from this section: His children banished him because he murdered his father, which created the pollution that brought on the plague mentioned in Oedipus Rex. Oedipus’s response leaves Theseus as uncertain as ever until Oedipus finally reveals his sons’ motives: They only want their father back because of an oracle that they will “be badly bloodied here some day” (Line 605), meaning in Athens.

This extended back-and-forth, which alternates between short exchanges between Theseus and Oedipus and longer speeches by the latter, can seem excessively drawn out, obtuse, and circular. Critically, however, their dialogue enables Sophocles to incorporate conditions of his historical present. In the world of myth, Thebes and Athens were not enemies but allies, as indicated by Theseus’s surprise that the two cities should ever be at odds. At this time in classical Athens, however, Thebes and Athens were enemies. Thebes had sided with the Persians when they invaded the Greek mainland in 480 BC and 479 BC, and they were allied with Sparta during the Peloponnesian war. Further, after Sparta defeated Athens, the Thebans had supported razing the city, killing all the men, and enslaving the women and children, a tragically routine consequence of war and an action that Athenians themselves took against Melos in 416 BC when that city refused to ally with them against Sparta.

Sparta did not choose that option, however, and Athens was saved from sharing the Melians’ fate. Thus, while it might seem peculiar to moderns that Athenians could, at that time, believe Oedipus had protected Athens, ancient Athenians present at the performance in 401 BC might have seen it differently. Perhaps Oedipus’s power had saved them from an even worse fate than losing the war. Not only were Athens’s men saved from slaughter and its women and children from enslavement, but their democracy had been restored in 403 BC.

Back in the world of the play, Oedipus’s revelation that Thebes and Athens will become enemies puzzles Theseus, but Oedipus explains that though “it may be pleasant weather now” (Line 616) the day may come when Thebans “discover some excuse for arms | to scatter solemn bonds of amity” (Lines 19-20). Everything in the material world is impermanent and mutable, Oedipus tells Theseus, for only the gods live outside of time, death, and decay.

At the end of their conversation, Theseus reiterates his question, asking Oedipus what he wants. Oedipus replies that Colonus is where he will “defeat the men who banished” him (Line 646). Theseus’s response that this is “quite a favor” (Line 647) suggests his dawning understanding that he is speaking to a future hero of Athens. The Chorus’s song celebrating the verdancy and abundance of Colonus ties the soon-to-be immortalized hero Oedipus to the sacred place where he will defeat Thebes by interring his body for Athens’s benefit.

In addition to speaking to historical conditions at the time of the play’s first performance, Oedipus’s prophecy of future strife between Athens and Thebes comes true within the narrative when Creon arrives. He claims to come in peace, wanting only to bring Oedipus home to his native land. Oedipus immediately accuses him of lying and is proven right when Creon reveals that he has brought an army not to attack Athens but to seize Oedipus and his daughters by force.

Oedipus’s accusation that Creon speaks well but dishonestly may reflect anxieties in Athens around the seductive power of rhetoric. In historical Athens, compelling speeches were believed to have lured Athenian leaders into fatal mistakes during the Peloponnesian war. Within the play, Theseus speaks plainly but truly while Creon speaks flatteringly but falsely. His men have already captured Ismene and, by the end of this section, Antigone as well.

When Theseus demands Creon release the women, Creon again uses his rhetorical prowess, arguing that Oedipus fathered his daughters with his own mother, a grave crime. This prompts Oedipus to defend himself on the grounds that the gods willed what happened to him, thus he is not to blame for his actions. This defense highlights The Interwoven Nature of Fate and Individual Will. Oedipus argues that he cannot be blamed for his actions because they were fated by the gods, but the question of whether fate absolves the individual of responsibility for his choices is not resolved in this dialogue. The Chorus neither agrees nor disagrees with Oedipus on this matter, and neither observes that Oedipus has here blamed Creon for banishing him, though earlier he blamed his sons for doing so. The salient issue is that Oedipus has sought sanctuary in Athens, offering his body as a gift, and Athens is observing the laws of the gods by providing sanctuary and accepting his gift. Across this section, characters appeal to the gods as the ultimate cause for their actions but do not acknowledge the choices they are making.

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